
Android Dev Tools 5.6.0 is Online Now

English Version:
Android Dev Tools 5.6.0 is online now, You can download it from Google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cn.trinea.android.developertools , Features includes:

1. Debug Tool: Support Android 10 auto click

This is a version for Android 10, Developer Options cannot auto click  on Android 10, because RecyclerView in support aar has been replaced by RecyclerView in androidx aar.


Android 开发助手 5.6.0 上线,可以从 Google Play应用宝酷安及各大商店下载,主要功能包含:

1. 调试工具:支持 Android 10 自动调试

这是适配 Android 10 的版本,之前的版本打开 开发者选项后 无法自动点击某些选项,根本原因是因为 Android 10 里面 support 包的 RecyclerView 已经开始被  androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView 替换


Android 開發助手 5.6.0 上線,可以從 Google Play應用寶酷安及各大商店下載,主要功能包含:

1. 調試工具:支持 Android 10 自動調試

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2 thoughts on “Android Dev Tools 5.6.0 is Online Now

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